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JUAN GIL BLUE LABEL 2021 Bodegas Juan Gil

  • Parker 93/100
  • wine
    spectator 93/100
  • SEC
  • ROSU
  • 750ML
  • 15,5%
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bg bg hourglass


JUAN GIL BLUE LABEL 2021 - Bodegas Juan Gil nou
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DOAR AZI 122 Lei
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Extra discount pentru membrii premium Devino membru

Acum si cu optiunea de cutie cadou

JUAN GIL BLUE LABEL 2021 Bodegas Juan Gil

  • SEC
  • ROSU
  • 750ML
  • 15,5%


  • Parker 93/100
  • wine
    spectator 93/100
Wine Spectator
Wine Spectator
Robert Parker
Robert Parker
Wine Spectator
Wine Spectator
Robert Parker
Robert Parker

An aromatic thread of toast, licorice, vanilla and Mediterranean macchia winds through generous flavors of plum sauce and blackberry paste. Full-bodied but fresh and well-structured, this red is firmed by chalky, integrated tannins that sculpt the long, lasting finish.

Deschide review

An aromatic thread of toast, licorice, vanilla and Mediterranean macchia winds through generous flavors of plum sauce and blackberry paste. Full-bodied but fresh and well-structured, this red is firmed by chalky, integrated tannins that sculpt the long, lasting finish.

Inchide review

The 2021 Juan Gil Blue Label is a blend of 60% Monastrell, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Syrah, sourced from Jumilla. Aged for 18 months in French and American oak barrels, this purple-hued wine offers aromas of cotton candy, vanilla, smoke and candied fruits. Indulgent and intense on the palate, it features an enticing oak flavor and a clingy mouthfeel. This is a well-crafted, commercially appealing wine.

Deschide review

The 2021 Juan Gil Blue Label is a blend of 60% Monastrell, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Syrah, sourced from Jumilla. Aged for 18 months in French and American oak barrels, this purple-hued wine offers aromas of cotton candy, vanilla, smoke and candied fruits. Indulgent and intense on the palate, it features an enticing oak flavor and a clingy mouthfeel. This is a well-crafted, commercially appealing wine.

Inchide review

The oak of the 2021 Juan Gil (blue label) is subtler and feels more integrated into the wine. It's a fresher year of wines with more freshness and better balance, more elegance and length. It has 15.5% alcohol and finishes dry. 30,000 bottles produced.

Deschide review

The oak of the 2021 Juan Gil (blue label) is subtler and feels more integrated into the wine. It's a fresher year of wines with more freshness and better balance, more elegance and length. It has 15.5% alcohol and finishes dry. 30,000 bottles produced.

Inchide review

An aromatic thread of toast, licorice, vanilla and Mediterranean macchia winds through generous flavors of plum sauce and blackberry paste. Full-bodied but fresh and well-structured, this red is firmed by chalky, integrated tannins that sculpt the long, lasting finish.

Deschide review

An aromatic thread of toast, licorice, vanilla and Mediterranean macchia winds through generous flavors of plum sauce and blackberry paste. Full-bodied but fresh and well-structured, this red is firmed by chalky, integrated tannins that sculpt the long, lasting finish.

Inchide review

The 2021 Juan Gil Blue Label is a blend of 60% Monastrell, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Syrah, sourced from Jumilla. Aged for 18 months in French and American oak barrels, this purple-hued wine offers aromas of cotton candy, vanilla, smoke and candied fruits. Indulgent and intense on the palate, it features an enticing oak flavor and a clingy mouthfeel. This is a well-crafted, commercially appealing wine.

Deschide review

The 2021 Juan Gil Blue Label is a blend of 60% Monastrell, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Syrah, sourced from Jumilla. Aged for 18 months in French and American oak barrels, this purple-hued wine offers aromas of cotton candy, vanilla, smoke and candied fruits. Indulgent and intense on the palate, it features an enticing oak flavor and a clingy mouthfeel. This is a well-crafted, commercially appealing wine.

Inchide review

The oak of the 2021 Juan Gil (blue label) is subtler and feels more integrated into the wine. It's a fresher year of wines with more freshness and better balance, more elegance and length. It has 15.5% alcohol and finishes dry. 30,000 bottles produced.

Deschide review

The oak of the 2021 Juan Gil (blue label) is subtler and feels more integrated into the wine. It's a fresher year of wines with more freshness and better balance, more elegance and length. It has 15.5% alcohol and finishes dry. 30,000 bottles produced.

Inchide review


93 puncte Robert Parker93 puncte Wine Spectator, 90 puncte Vinous

Vinul de Duminica: In fiecare duminica vom incerca sa iti propunem „Vinul de Duminica”, mereu un vin special, premiat sau apreciat de cunoscatori din lumea intreaga, la cel mai bun pret online din Romania.

Natura, terroir-ul, dar si pasiunea celor implicat in Gil Family Estate sunt coordonatele principale ale brandului care ofera anual vinuri de cea mai inalta calitate. Dovada sta si Juan Gil Blue Label 2021, un vin complex, concentrat si foarte elegant, realizat din struguri Monastrell culesi din vite de vie foarte vechi, cultivate la o altitudine de 700 de metri deasupra nivelului marii, din Cabernet Sauvignon si Syrah. Intr-o frumoasa culoare de rosu rubiniu, vinul dezvaluie note olfactive de paine prajita, tonuri pamantii, condimente si fructe negre, arome regasite si pe palat. Savurati acest vin la 15-18 grade Celsius, alaturi de orez, paste, mancaruri cu legume, friptura de porc si branzeturi maturate.

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