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Robert Parker
Robert Parker
James Suckling
James Suckling

The Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona 2020 Brunello di Montalcino is a grippy, lifted wine with aromas of black fruit, crushed stone, grilled rosemary and... Deschide review

The Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona 2020 Brunello di Montalcino is a grippy, lifted wine with aromas of black fruit, crushed stone, grilled rosemary and lavender. The wine reveals a meaty and ripe texture with chewy fruit flavors in this hot vintage. The high 15% alcohol content makes for a less elegant drinking experience.

Inchide review

A profound wine with vibrancy and complexity, exuding restrained cherries and raspberries, together with touches of ash and fresh orange peel. Leafiness... Deschide review

A profound wine with vibrancy and complexity, exuding restrained cherries and raspberries, together with touches of ash and fresh orange peel. Leafiness and meaty minerality add an extra dimension. The attack is lush and ripe, with full body, velvety tannins, refreshing acidity and violet-soaked cherries to finish. Real precision here.

Inchide review


 96 puncte James Suckling, 93 puncte Robert Parker

Crama Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona este o afacere de familie ale carei baze au fost puse inca din secolul 17. Astazi, crama este condusa de Paolo Bianchini si sora sa, Lucia. Cei doi au fondat si “ASD Brunello Bike”, un club de ciclism care organizeaza periodic evenimente caritabile. Recomandarea noastra de astazi, Ciacci Brunello di Montalcino 2020, este un vin rosu linistit, realizat din struguri Sangiovese. Aromele florale si fructate se impletesc perfect cu notele minerale. Degustati acest vin la 16-18 grade Celsius, alaturi de branzeturi maturate, carne rosie si vanat. 


  • sale
  • 295 255 -14%
    Prima comanda vine cu o reducere de 20 de LEl pentru fiecare "CLIENT NOU"
295 255 -14%
Prima comanda vine cu o reducere de 20 de LEl pentru fiecare "CLIENT NOU"


Robert Parker
Robert Parker
James Suckling
James Suckling

The Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona 2020 Brunello di Montalcino is a grippy, lifted wine with aromas of black fruit, crushed stone, grilled rosemary and... Deschide review

The Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona 2020 Brunello di Montalcino is a grippy, lifted wine with aromas of black fruit, crushed stone, grilled rosemary and lavender. The wine reveals a meaty and ripe texture with chewy fruit flavors in this hot vintage. The high 15% alcohol content makes for a less elegant drinking experience.

Inchide review

A profound wine with vibrancy and complexity, exuding restrained cherries and raspberries, together with touches of ash and fresh orange peel. Leafiness... Deschide review

A profound wine with vibrancy and complexity, exuding restrained cherries and raspberries, together with touches of ash and fresh orange peel. Leafiness and meaty minerality add an extra dimension. The attack is lush and ripe, with full body, velvety tannins, refreshing acidity and violet-soaked cherries to finish. Real precision here.

Inchide review


 96 puncte James Suckling, 93 puncte Robert Parker

Crama Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona este o afacere de familie ale carei baze au fost puse inca din secolul 17. Astazi, crama este condusa de Paolo Bianchini si sora sa, Lucia. Cei doi au fondat si “ASD Brunello Bike”, un club de ciclism care organizeaza periodic evenimente caritabile. Recomandarea noastra de astazi, Ciacci Brunello di Montalcino 2020, este un vin rosu linistit, realizat din struguri Sangiovese. Aromele florale si fructate se impletesc perfect cu notele minerale. Degustati acest vin la 16-18 grade Celsius, alaturi de branzeturi maturate, carne rosie si vanat. 


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IRRUMO Crama Mennini

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P.S.: 🍷 Don`t drink and type...