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PRINCE MATEI 2017 Crama DeMatei

  • SEC
  • ROSU
  • 750ML
  • 14,7%


Gilbert & Gaillard
Gilbert & Gaillard
James Suckling
James Suckling
Gilbert & Gaillard
Gilbert & Gaillard
James Suckling
James Suckling

Dark garnet hue showing some age. Compelling bouquet of black berry fruit, undergrowth and humus, quite mature. Still very tannic on the palate with... Deschide review

Dark garnet hue showing some age. Compelling bouquet of black berry fruit, undergrowth and humus, quite mature. Still very tannic on the palate with clear-cut flavours, an imposing ensemble best opened with rich, savoury dishes.

Inchide review

Subtle floral aromas on the nose, framed by glossy oak, liquorice and ripe black plums aromas. Full body, intense and juicy.

Deschide review

Subtle floral aromas on the nose, framed by glossy oak, liquorice and ripe black plums aromas. Full body, intense and juicy.

Inchide review

This maturing Romanian merlot has a stunning nose of red-berry fruit with excellent savory complexity. Elegant balance of generous, fine tannins and... Deschide review

This maturing Romanian merlot has a stunning nose of red-berry fruit with excellent savory complexity. Elegant balance of generous, fine tannins and animating acidity on the medium- to full-bodied palate. Then you really feel the concentration at the long, plush finish.

Inchide review

Dark garnet hue showing some age. Compelling bouquet of black berry fruit, undergrowth and humus, quite mature. Still very tannic on the palate with... Deschide review

Dark garnet hue showing some age. Compelling bouquet of black berry fruit, undergrowth and humus, quite mature. Still very tannic on the palate with clear-cut flavours, an imposing ensemble best opened with rich, savoury dishes.

Inchide review

Subtle floral aromas on the nose, framed by glossy oak, liquorice and ripe black plums aromas. Full body, intense and juicy.

Deschide review

Subtle floral aromas on the nose, framed by glossy oak, liquorice and ripe black plums aromas. Full body, intense and juicy.

Inchide review

This maturing Romanian merlot has a stunning nose of red-berry fruit with excellent savory complexity. Elegant balance of generous, fine tannins and... Deschide review

This maturing Romanian merlot has a stunning nose of red-berry fruit with excellent savory complexity. Elegant balance of generous, fine tannins and animating acidity on the medium- to full-bodied palate. Then you really feel the concentration at the long, plush finish.

Inchide review


 93 puncte James Suckling, 94 puncte Decanter, Medalie de Aur - Gilbert & Gaillard

Iconic-ul Prince Matei este cel mai cunoscut Merlot românesc. Forța, dar și eleganța acestui Merlot amintesc de personalitatea marelui voievod Matei Basarab, al cărui nume îl poartă, acest „Mecena” al culturii și ortodoxiei de care se leagă folosirea pentru prima dată a limbii române în viața oficială, civilă și religioasă.

Editia 2017 Prince Matei învăluie paharul într-o mantie de culoare roșu-rubiniu, cu reflexii violet. Buchetul este complex, scoțând la iveală note de fructe de pădure, piper negru, ciocolată, cafea și vanilie. Palatul este sec, intens, corpolent, cu taninuri moi și astringență delicată și un postgust prelung. Temperatura ideală de servire este de 18 ºC și vă recomandăm să îl serviți alături de preparate din carne roșie, vânat cu sosuri, preparate din bucătăria românească sau brânzeturi învechite, cu aromă intensă.

  • sale
PRINCE MATEI 2017 sale
  • 117 102 12%
    Prima comanda vine cu o reducere de 20 de LEl pentru fiecare "CLIENT NOU"
117 102 12%
Prima comanda vine cu o reducere de 20 de LEl pentru fiecare "CLIENT NOU"


Gilbert & Gaillard
Gilbert & Gaillard
James Suckling
James Suckling
Gilbert & Gaillard
Gilbert & Gaillard
James Suckling
James Suckling

Dark garnet hue showing some age. Compelling bouquet of black berry fruit, undergrowth and humus, quite mature. Still very tannic on the palate with... Deschide review

Dark garnet hue showing some age. Compelling bouquet of black berry fruit, undergrowth and humus, quite mature. Still very tannic on the palate with clear-cut flavours, an imposing ensemble best opened with rich, savoury dishes.

Inchide review

Subtle floral aromas on the nose, framed by glossy oak, liquorice and ripe black plums aromas. Full body, intense and juicy.

Deschide review

Subtle floral aromas on the nose, framed by glossy oak, liquorice and ripe black plums aromas. Full body, intense and juicy.

Inchide review

This maturing Romanian merlot has a stunning nose of red-berry fruit with excellent savory complexity. Elegant balance of generous, fine tannins and... Deschide review

This maturing Romanian merlot has a stunning nose of red-berry fruit with excellent savory complexity. Elegant balance of generous, fine tannins and animating acidity on the medium- to full-bodied palate. Then you really feel the concentration at the long, plush finish.

Inchide review

Dark garnet hue showing some age. Compelling bouquet of black berry fruit, undergrowth and humus, quite mature. Still very tannic on the palate with... Deschide review

Dark garnet hue showing some age. Compelling bouquet of black berry fruit, undergrowth and humus, quite mature. Still very tannic on the palate with clear-cut flavours, an imposing ensemble best opened with rich, savoury dishes.

Inchide review

Subtle floral aromas on the nose, framed by glossy oak, liquorice and ripe black plums aromas. Full body, intense and juicy.

Deschide review

Subtle floral aromas on the nose, framed by glossy oak, liquorice and ripe black plums aromas. Full body, intense and juicy.

Inchide review

This maturing Romanian merlot has a stunning nose of red-berry fruit with excellent savory complexity. Elegant balance of generous, fine tannins and... Deschide review

This maturing Romanian merlot has a stunning nose of red-berry fruit with excellent savory complexity. Elegant balance of generous, fine tannins and animating acidity on the medium- to full-bodied palate. Then you really feel the concentration at the long, plush finish.

Inchide review


 93 puncte James Suckling, 94 puncte Decanter, Medalie de Aur - Gilbert & Gaillard

Iconic-ul Prince Matei este cel mai cunoscut Merlot românesc. Forța, dar și eleganța acestui Merlot amintesc de personalitatea marelui voievod Matei Basarab, al cărui nume îl poartă, acest „Mecena” al culturii și ortodoxiei de care se leagă folosirea pentru prima dată a limbii române în viața oficială, civilă și religioasă.

Editia 2017 Prince Matei învăluie paharul într-o mantie de culoare roșu-rubiniu, cu reflexii violet. Buchetul este complex, scoțând la iveală note de fructe de pădure, piper negru, ciocolată, cafea și vanilie. Palatul este sec, intens, corpolent, cu taninuri moi și astringență delicată și un postgust prelung. Temperatura ideală de servire este de 18 ºC și vă recomandăm să îl serviți alături de preparate din carne roșie, vânat cu sosuri, preparate din bucătăria românească sau brânzeturi învechite, cu aromă intensă.

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IRRUMO Crama Mennini

Ne dorim ca experienta ta alaturi de noi sa fie una lipsita de dificultati. Daca insa ceva nu functioneaza sau ai vreo recomandare pentru noi, iti stam la dispozitie.
P.S.: 🍷 Don`t drink and type...