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🍷 NOU! Cartea Marinelei Ardelean: 50 de vinuri și preparate românești
🍷 Vin Roșu sau Alb? Cumpără-l cu până la -30%


  • SEC
  • ROSU
  • 750ML
  • 14,5%


Robert Parker
Robert Parker
James Suckling
James Suckling

The 2018 Rosso dei Notri (a blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Sangiovese, with only 30% of the total seeing a brief four months in barrique)... Deschide review

The 2018 Rosso dei Notri (a blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Sangiovese, with only 30% of the total seeing a brief four months in barrique) is a very fresh and tonic red that surprisingly comes from fruit harvested two weeks later than normal. And Merlot is not always happy to stay on the vines for longer than it has to. It's a fruit-forward wine that was aimed more at freshness instead of concentration, making it a good pair for a simple margherita pizza. You get terrific value here. Rating: 90+

Inchide review

Aromas of chocolate and dark fruit with hints of blackberries, cherries and hazelnuts. Medium body, fine tannins with hints of herbs and dark fruit, and a... Deschide review

Aromas of chocolate and dark fruit with hints of blackberries, cherries and hazelnuts. Medium body, fine tannins with hints of herbs and dark fruit, and a lovely finish. Sangiovese, cabernet sauvignon, merlot and syrah.

Inchide review


92 puncte James Suckling

In 1984, Rita si Virgilio Bisti si-au implinit in sfarsit visul de-o viata si au achizitionat o proprietate cu 17 hectare de vita de vie in Suvereto, un orasel din inima Toscanei, proprietate care avea sa devina apoi crama Tua Rita. De atunci, acestia au produs anual vinuri de calitate superioara, recunoscute astazi peste tot in lume. Recomandarea noastra, Tua Rita Rosso dei Notri 2020, este un vin rosu realizat din struguri Sangiovese (50%), Cabernet Sauvignon (50%), Merlot si Syrah. Rosu rubiniu, vinul dezvaluie mai intai note olfactive de fructe negre si condimente, in vreme ce, pe palat, descoperim arome intense de fructe confiate si ciocolata, dar si ceva tente de alune de padure. Degustati vinul la 16-18 grade Celsius, alaturi de miel, porc, vita, rata, barbeque, hamburger sau branzeturi.

  • sale
  • 105 92 12%
    Prima comanda vine cu o reducere de 20 de LEl pentru fiecare "CLIENT NOU"
105 92 12%
Prima comanda vine cu o reducere de 20 de LEl pentru fiecare "CLIENT NOU"


Robert Parker
Robert Parker
James Suckling
James Suckling

The 2018 Rosso dei Notri (a blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Sangiovese, with only 30% of the total seeing a brief four months in barrique)... Deschide review

The 2018 Rosso dei Notri (a blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Sangiovese, with only 30% of the total seeing a brief four months in barrique) is a very fresh and tonic red that surprisingly comes from fruit harvested two weeks later than normal. And Merlot is not always happy to stay on the vines for longer than it has to. It's a fruit-forward wine that was aimed more at freshness instead of concentration, making it a good pair for a simple margherita pizza. You get terrific value here. Rating: 90+

Inchide review

Aromas of chocolate and dark fruit with hints of blackberries, cherries and hazelnuts. Medium body, fine tannins with hints of herbs and dark fruit, and a... Deschide review

Aromas of chocolate and dark fruit with hints of blackberries, cherries and hazelnuts. Medium body, fine tannins with hints of herbs and dark fruit, and a lovely finish. Sangiovese, cabernet sauvignon, merlot and syrah.

Inchide review


92 puncte James Suckling

In 1984, Rita si Virgilio Bisti si-au implinit in sfarsit visul de-o viata si au achizitionat o proprietate cu 17 hectare de vita de vie in Suvereto, un orasel din inima Toscanei, proprietate care avea sa devina apoi crama Tua Rita. De atunci, acestia au produs anual vinuri de calitate superioara, recunoscute astazi peste tot in lume. Recomandarea noastra, Tua Rita Rosso dei Notri 2020, este un vin rosu realizat din struguri Sangiovese (50%), Cabernet Sauvignon (50%), Merlot si Syrah. Rosu rubiniu, vinul dezvaluie mai intai note olfactive de fructe negre si condimente, in vreme ce, pe palat, descoperim arome intense de fructe confiate si ciocolata, dar si ceva tente de alune de padure. Degustati vinul la 16-18 grade Celsius, alaturi de miel, porc, vita, rata, barbeque, hamburger sau branzeturi.

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IRRUMO Crama Mennini

Ne dorim ca experienta ta alaturi de noi sa fie una lipsita de dificultati. Daca insa ceva nu functioneaza sau ai vreo recomandare pentru noi, iti stam la dispozitie.
P.S.: 🍷 Don`t drink and type...